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공지사항 상세
제목 Notice Mortgage loan on Departure Guarantee Insurance(DGI) for foreign workers
작성자 손희철 작성일 2020-08-28 17:04
첨부파일 Notice Mortgage loan on Departure Guarantee Insurance(DGI) for foreign
(외국인근로자 출국만기보험 담보대출에 대한 안내문입니다.)
Notice Mortgage loan on Departure Guarantee Insurance(DGI) for foreign workers

□ Loan Target
○ Foreign workers(E-9, H-2) who are not able to depart due to lack of airplane from COVID19 and whose period of employment activity is expired after 1st Feb 2020.
* Previous targets for the DGI were foreign workers who need more than 4 weeks recovery time from illness·injury that was caused by Change of Workplace, or whose contract was expired due to the fact that their business owner close·shutdown the business. However, the loan conditions has been eased off.

* Reference : 1. Order the mortgage loan on the DGI and make it run (Ministry of Labour and Employment)2. Additional order the mortgage loan on the DGI for foreign workers to protect their livelyhood

□ Loan Application Period
○ From the next day of the expired day of employment activity to the day before reporting the scheduled departure
* For foreign workers on Change of Workplace, it is the same as before (within 4 months after Change of Workplace)

□ Loan Amount : Within the range of 50% of accumulated the DGI premium.

□ Loan Interest : 3% interest yearly
* Real interest rate would be 1.5% yearly because the DGI gives 1.5% interest yearly till departure(or payment)

□ Loan Repayment
○ Available whenever you want to repay, no charge if pre-repayed all.

○ If not repayed till the end of the term of the loan, the pricipal of the loan is automatically repayed from the DGI, and it gives some deducted amount of the loan, which is deducted from the DGI when you depart

□ Documents
○ Permission of delay of time limit for departure (Issued by Ministry of Justice)
○ Application for loan (Samsung Fire)
○ Copy of bank account
○ Passport (or Certification of Alien Registration), or etc

□ How to apply for and inquiry : (☎1600-0266) Samsung Fire Call Center (only for foreign workers’ affairs related to insurance)

[점수제]2020년도 9월 신규 외국인력 배정계획
[공지]E-9 취업활동기간 만료자의 계절근로 취업 허용 안내

